Macitler Mobilya Umraniye store provides service in Modoko Mobilya Çarşısı. So, you can visit there to get more information about our products.

Ümraniye district contains Modoko Mobilyacılar Çarşısı, which is the most important furniture source and option in this field. This big and wide furniture bazaar, known as Ümraniye Modoko Mobilyacılar Çarşısı, is well known both in the country and abroad and is visited by people.


Furniture companies in Ümraniye Mobilya Çarşısı are available in many different styles and qualities. However, Macitler Mobilya is the store that is known and attracts the most visitors among Ümraniye furniture stores.

yokMacitler Mobilya, which we can call Umraniye or Modoko Macitler Mobilya, both sells furniture and designs decoration projects. You can come to Macitler Mobilya Ümraniye store to see more closely the furniture models specially prepared for you, or you can get free interior design service.